How To Become A Better Business Cleaner?

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In a world where there are different cleaning providers who claim to be the best, how will you set yourself apart from the rest? Commercial cleaning is a growing industry, and many cleaning companies are offering almost the same services for the same price range to add more to the confusion of their target market.

How To Become A Better Office Cleaner? This article will help you identify and analyze whether you are choosing the right company, and whether you are employing the right people to do the job for you.

Six Characteristics of Office Cleaning Services

Before we talk about the individual characteristics of a cleaner, let us talk about the company that they represent in general. Of course, most companies will hire a cleaning company rather than choosing an individual contractor.

Hiring an office cleaning company has many perks to offer. So, before getting into a cleaning contract, always keep an eye on the following traits:

Excellent attention to detail.

This is the same as going beyond expectation. When you are knowledgeable, you do not have to be told what areas need to be attended to. You will know it the moment you see it. This is one of the challenges of most office cleaners. Most of them are always in a hurry to finish and leave, and often, some areas are not attended to.


It is essential that someone has to have specific knowledge of something before they become a pro. There is really not much knowledge required in cleaning. Mostly, it is more on common sense.

You just have to be an expert when choosing the right tool for the job and the proper use of cleaning chemicals and detergent. The cleaner also has to be confident enough in conversing with customers should the needs arise.

Meeting and exceeding the expectation.

A cleaning service loves their work and always takes pride in what they can do. This is also true when we say that you do not have to be told if you love what you are doing. When you choose a cleaning company, always check their credentials and find out how long they have been in business. The number of years will definitely determine their dedication.


You must choose a company that understands the importance of adhering to its schedule. You hire a cleaner because you are hoping to achieve a certain level of cleanliness, and you want to create a specific persona and ambience for your office.

It will be difficult for you to accomplish this goal if your cleaner will not show up on their given schedule or will not arrive on time for the job.

Good feedback.

Since everyone is on social media, it is pretty easy to advertise a business. Everything is a click away. Before you hire a cleaning partner, check their website or social media accounts for feedback. These feedbacks are a helpful indicator of what kind of company are you dealing with.


Most of the services boil down to price. Many cleaning companies will short sell their services to get a pool of customers. Never compromise the value of your job just to win a contract. An excellent cleaning company live to their customer’s expectations and win them.

Other Things That You Need Consider in Hiring an Office Cleaner

Apart from the qualities that we mentioned above. You may also want to consider looking at the things we are about to say below. These second lists will surely give you the peace of mind you deserve.

Ability to offer full service

Of course, if you were to choose a cleaning provider, it will be beneficial for you to award the business to a contractor who can do all the cleaning requirements you need. Doing so will allow you to save time and effort in outsourcing. At the same time, it gives you a higher chance of a good bargain.

Complete and modern equipment and supplies.

It makes sense if the cleaning company provides the cleaning materials and tools for the job that they need to complete. Their expertise and experience had made them familiar with the cleaning solution, tools, and techniques to make the cleaning job spotless.


An excellent cleaning provider is someone who will ensure your peace of mind. Insurance is one of the things you should look for before hiring a commercial cleaner. Some stand-alone cleaners will offer a low price, but you will have to look after their well-being. The said insurance will cover you from loss, damage, and accidents.

Top Qualities for Being a Strong Leader For Your Cleaning Company

Before we talk about the individual traits and practices of the different cleaners who will be assigned to your premises, let us talk about their supervisors first. How can we say that the cleaners are being managed and trained well?

When you own a cleaning company, a good deal of its success will depend on your ability to lead your employees. To be a good leader, you must possess certain qualities. Some of these qualities may come naturally to you and some you may have to work on.

To figure out what qualities you need to work on, you need to know what makes a good leader. Here are some of the qualities I think you have to possess if you want to lead your employees effectively.

Communication Skills

If you do not communicate well with your employees, you will struggle from training to giving feedback, to complimenting employees on a job well done.


Good leaders are honest. They hold themselves and others to a higher standard, and they are trustworthy. People like to follow leaders with integrity.


As a leader of your team, you need to be enthusiastic to think about your business and the services you provide. After all, if you are not enthusiastic about the company, why should your employees be? When you lead with enthusiasm, you inspire your employees to become better at what they do.


A good leader takes responsibility for his or her actions and those of the team. Being responsible means, you do not point fingers. Instead, you take the time to solve the problem with your employees and then work on additional training.


A good leader is confident in his or her ability to lead, which is vital because you must believe in yourself to get through difficult times. Being confident does not mean being boastful or egotistical. Instead, it means confidently leading with humility.

Accepts change

Change is inevitable, and the best leaders accept this and embrace it. Then, they find the best ways to introduce the difference to their employees to make a smooth transition.

Five Top Traits in Becoming A Better Office Cleaner

We often ask what top five things we look for in a commercial cleaner that you are about to hire. It is a fun question because there are about five things that are absolutely crucial to the success of your business when you hire people on staff.

Reliability – this is the very first thing that I would look for. Are you hiring someone you can count on? As you interview them, come up with questions that will question their reliability.

If you are hiring a person who always looks for excuses and still looks for the backdoor to every single challenge that the cleaning business has, that is not the person you are looking for. You are looking for someone who is reliable and who you can count on.

You need to be able to count on them as the employer, and your customers need to be able to count on you as a company.

Self-starter – you would not think that has a lot to do with cleaning, but it does. If you are a self-starter, you see things that need to be done, and you do them.

You do not wait for somebody to give you orders and tell you what to do. As a self-starter in a commercial cleaning business, you are going to come up with a lot of opportunities every day at every company where you have to make judgement calls.

If you are the kind of person that sits around and waits for somebody to tell you what to do and micromanage you, you are not right for the commercial cleaning business.

A self-starter is going to be a person that gets themselves out of bed in the morning, works on time, they make sure that if something happens, they take the initiative. They get it done, and they do it right.

Honesty – I cannot express how important honesty is in the professional office cleaning business in Melbourne. It is on a variety of different fronts. When you go to a customer’s office, it is evident that you want an honest person because you do not want them stealing the client’s things.

You do not wish to them lie to the client, overpromise, and talk wrong about your company. You want somebody who is really honest about what is going on. Honesty always goes backwards.

When you have reliable employees, they will come to you, and they will tell you what else is going on in the company. They are not going to cover for their colleagues, and they are not going to paint pictures that are not true about employees to get other employees in trouble.

Willing to learn – every system is different, which is why you need somebody who is ready to learn. They can bring information back to you, and on a grand scale, you can make all those changes within your company.

Kind – I know that this does not sound like a commercial cleaner’s characteristic. It is incredibly crucial to the success of your business. Commercial cleaning is a tough job. We put our bodies through a lot of physical demands and stress. On top of that, we are people too. We have our own lives.

We have a whole variety of other things that we are fighting with. It is super important that you hire people who know how to be kind. Even with coworkers working amongst themselves. They may have conflicts, but if they are kind, whatever the situation is, wherever you find yourself, however grumpy you feel inside, your default is kindness.

You can teach somebody how to clean, but you cannot teach somebody to bring these characteristics with them. This is inherent to who that person is.

It is part of their character. These are our top qualities of being a better office cleaner. There are many more, so what I want you to do is to share your thoughts on what makes a better cleaner by posting your comments below this article.

About the Author

Hi, my name is Steve. I have been working as a Regional Operations Manager in Sydney Clean Group for almost four years now and manage a team of 10. I have more than three decades of experience in the commercial cleaning industry. My responsibilities include the day-to-day management of cleaning operations, planning, online quotation to clients, managing cleaners’ performance, collecting clients' feedback, and ensuring proper & regular maintenance of cleaning equipment. Get in touch for a quick chat about your cleaning needs.

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