Why Do You Need The Highest Standard of Cleaning for Your Workspace?

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Have you ever wondered where in Australia you can get quality cleaning services and maintenance for offices? The truth is, they are everywhere. The cleaning business is at its peak because of the pandemic.

Finding a cleaner in your local area will never become a challenge as Sydney commercial cleaning service providers are everywhere.

When we talk about cleaning services, these are businesses that can do home cleaning or office cleaning. As we have read in the previous article, house cleaning is very different from commercial cleaning.

Services like end-of-lease cleaning, steam cleaning, and external window cleaning are just a few examples of commercial cleaning that are available in the market.

Since the market is already saturated with different cleaning companies who pretty much offer the same type of services, you need to be very cautious in choosing the perfect office cleaners.

Low prices can never be an indication of a grand bargain when it comes to cleaning. This article will help you realize if you are getting high-quality daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning from your cleaning provider, or if is it time for you to search for a new cleaning contractor.

Benefits of Office High-Quality Cleaning

Soaring Employee’s Productivity

We all know that cleanliness dramatically affects the overall behaviour and performance of an employee. Reliable office cleaners can deliver quality office cleaning.

Securing a clean environment will give a fruitful return to healthy employees. You do not have to risk the idea of them getting contacted with any harmful viruses that can be very harmful to their health and safety.

Reduced Sick Days

Like the first benefit that we elaborated on, high-standard cleaning can give many monetary benefits. Your employees can work without the constant worry of being sick.

Your company will not have to face a high absenteeism rate and reduce the number of instances where the employee has to call in sick. Health is wealth, and that should be our number one priority.

Creates A Lasting Good Impression

Your office is a reflection of your business. Clients and potential customers can judge your reliability by merely looking at how well you maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of your workspace.

Your clients are expecting your office to look smart, neat and smell clean. Your customer’s impression is one of the reasons why they will leave or choose to stay with you. 

Minimize Unnecessary Repair Costs

Quality cleaning means you are taking care of not just the overall cleanliness of the office, but you are also looking after the life of all the furniture inside your office. It can be the carpet, light fixtures, or whatever ornaments that beautify your workspace.

Regular office cleaning and choosing the right cleaning products will improve the lifespan of your fixtures and furniture.

You do not need to run into repair costs frequently. Steam cleaning can make sure that your carpet and upholstered furniture are free of dust, debris, and other contaminants that can eventually damage the material in the long run.

Poor Cleaning Service Indicators

Commercial cleaning is a broad spectrum of different types of cleaning. Professional cleaners who are a part of this market can perform various cleaning services that go from routine cleaning to the most bizarre cleaning request.

It will not be fair if we will compare home cleaning to office cleaning because these two services are different from one another.

Commercial cleaning involves a lot of work, and most of them requires the expertise of professional cleaners. Good cleaning quality is the first expectation of these businesses that chose to hire professional cleaners to do the various cleaning services.

Commercial cleaning can include steam cleaning, end-of-lease cleaning, and many more.

Most of the time end of least cleaning and after builders, cleaning is the most challenging type of cleaning. Professional cleaners are also expected to know the right cleaning products and use the proper cleaning equipment to complete the job.

What happens if all these expectations were not met? How will you know that you are caught up with the wrong cleaners? What if you had hired a cleaner to complete an end-of-lease cleaning and when you went and inspected the place after the work was done, the place does not look like it has been cleaned? Check out the following indications and be cautious.

Unfulfilled Job Scopes

During the walkthrough, the managers of the company that offers the cleaning services visit the premises. This is the first step to identifying what your cleaning requirements are. From there, they will be able to name you a price.

If you are starting to notice frequent misses on cleaning spots and areas, that means two things. It is either they underquoted the job to win the bin, or they miscalculate the hours required to complete the cleaning service.

When the latter happens, we highly recommend you to talk to your provider and ask them honestly how many hours they need to spend and adjust the cost accordingly. If this is not addressed, missing areas will always be an issue.

Rushed Cleaning

The idea behind this is almost the same as the first item that we talked about. Rushing the cleaning service is an evident miscalculation of the hours required for the cleaning. When you rush work, it will most likely end up with poor quality. This principle applies to house cleaning too.

Customers have their rights reserved to file a complaint against you and the cleaning service that you provide.

Unreliable Service

Hiccups can happen from time to time. Even those big cleaning companies who offer different cleaning services face unforeseen circumstances where a cleaner can miss a schedule.

Once or twice is enough, but if this has been continuously happening, you need to start looking for a reliable cleaner that can give you the cleaning service that you deserve. Unreliability of the cleaner to show up at a certain schedule can affect your operation.

What if you will have an important visit the following morning and they did not show up at the last minute? They need to fulfil their commitment by providing you with a reliable cleaning service.

Improper Use of Chemicals

Chemicals play an important role in cleaning services. They make the cleaner’s job easier but cleaners need to know the workaround with these chemicals.

It can be very dangerous when misused. Do not compromise your employee’s health by hiring a cleaning service that does not understand how to use the chemicals appropriately.

Poor Customer Service

Apart from the overall cleanliness, you also need to consider your customer service experience with your chosen cleaning services. Are they respectful? Can they resolve a dispute quickly?

Many of you have known us to be the first in cleaning services here in Australia. As mentioned many times over, no businesses will be the same when we talk about their cleaning requirements.

Cleaning services play an important role in many businesses because we guard the safety and wellness of their employees and customers.

I want to hear your side on how you are able to be on top of the game. Drop us a comment below and let us help the cleaning community.


About the Author

Hi, my name is Steve. I have been working as a Regional Operations Manager in Sydney Clean Group for almost four years now and manage a team of 10. I have more than three decades of experience in the commercial cleaning industry. My responsibilities include the day-to-day management of cleaning operations, planning, online quotation to clients, managing cleaners’ performance, collecting clients' feedback, and ensuring proper & regular maintenance of cleaning equipment. Get in touch for a quick chat about your cleaning needs.

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